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Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis: 

NEW RedTrack and GreenTrack Precast Agarose Gels RedTrack and GreenTrack Precast Agarose Gels Brochure (pdf / 256KB) See Also: Precast Agarose Gel and Related Products Goodbye Ethidium Bromide! Biomoles’ new generation RedTrack and GreenTrack Precast Gels use newly developed staining substances to provide superior imaging without touching the mutagen ethidium bromide or unstable SYBR green. The resulting images are remarkably sharp and clear bands; responsive to minimal amount of DNA; uncover small fragments; and very clean background. The products are safer for the scientists and easier to handle. RedTrack Gels can be used with any standard UV transilluminator. GreenTrack Gels can be used with SYBR reader, short wave UV transiluminator and laser based gel reader.

Agarose-gel electrophoresis of total nucleic acids from P. rhodozyma UCD 67-385 after different treatments. Lanes 1 and 8, mixture of,~ DNA/HindIII and ~x 174 DNA/HaeIII fragments. Total nucleic acids treated with: lane 2, without treatment; lane 3, RNase A (0.1 gg/ml) in a low-strength ionic buffer (0.01xSSC: 1.5 mM NaC1, 0.15 mM sodium citrate, pH 7.0); lane 4, DNase I (1 U/g g of total nucleic acids); lane 5, $1 nuclease (1 U/gg of total nucleic acids); lane 6, RNase H (1 U/~g of total nucleic acids); lane 7, RNase A (0.1 ~g/ml) in a high-strength ionic buffer (2xSSC); lane 9, EcoRI (1 U/gg of total nucleic acids). The numbers on the left side indicate molecular sizes, expressed in kilobase pairs. The arrows on the right indicate the position of genomic DNA and dsRNas

Introduction Both Gels are delivered in our UV transparent SureTrack tray. The SureTrack tray has specially designed walls that protect the gels during transport and storage but can be easily removed to provide direct gel-to-buffer contact in any standard electrophoresis device. The ultra-clear and UV transparent trays allow for convenient repeating observations of DNA/RNA mobility and high quality imaging without ever having to touch the gel. The Gels can remain in the tray throughout the entire electrophoresis process. The results are faster analysis times, consistent results, and optimal imaging.

Competitive Advantages:

Safer to Use Does not contain Ethidium Bromide. According to Ames test, RedTrack and GreenTrack stains showed undetectable muta-genicity and toxicity with the concentration used in RedTrack & GreenTrack Precast Gels. Four sided tray keeps everything clean. Yields High Quality Results Significantly sharper bands than using ethidium bromide. Very clean background. Ultra-clear tray material. High resolution DNA/RNA bands. Highly Sensitive About 10-50 times higher sensitivity to DNA/RNA. Requires minimal amount DNA: as little as 1.7ng per lane for genome DNA and 4.0ng for 10bp. Easy, Convenient, Saves Time Easy to plan your experiments. Easy observation and imaging. High level of consistency. Simple access for DNA recovery. DNA/RNA bands can be observed within 15 minutes. Provides Consistent Results. Undetectable DNase and RNase. Consistent gel concentration. Eliminate gel handling related contamination and damage. Avoids problems with SYBR green temperature stability. Universal Application No special equipment required, fits into standard electrophoresis chambers. Available in a variety of well formats and agarose concentrations. No need to change the filters: RedTrack Precast Gels can be analyzed under standard UV transiluminator or SYBR reader; GreenTrack Precast gels can be analyzed under SYBR reader, 254nm UV transiluminator or 488nm laser based gel reader. Electrophoresis Reference Table

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Agarose Concentration Recommended Fragment Size Functional Size Range Gel Running Time 0.8% 4,000-15,000bp 300-15,000bp 20-45 min. 1.0% 3,500-5,000bp 100-10,000bp 15-30 min. 1.5% 2,000-3,500bp 70-10,000bp 15-25 min. 2.0% 1,000-2,000bp 50-4,000bp 15-25 min. 3.0% 500-1,000bp 50-1,500bp 15-30 min. 4.0% 10-500bp 10-1000bp 10-25 min. Catalog for RedTrack™ & GreenTrack™ Precast Agarose Gels

Concentration Well Format Gel Dimensions Product No. Additional Coding   % Agarose No. Wells No. Row x Wells/Row LxW Catalog No. Buffer Coding 0.8% 8 1x8 10x7 08-08-107 RedTrack RT 0.8% 14 1x14 6x10 08-14-610 GreenTrack GT 0.8% 16 2x8 10x7 08-16-107     1.0% 8 1x8 10x7 10-08-107     1.0% 14 1x14 6x10 10-14-610     1.0% 16 2x8 10x7 10-16-107 Sizes   1.5% 8 1x8 10x7 15-08-107 20 Units 20 1.5% 14 1x14 6x10 15-14-610 30 Units 30 1.5% 16 2x8 10x7 15-16-107     2.0% 8 1x8 10x7 20-08-107     2.0% 14 1x14 6x10 20-14-610     2.0% 16 2x8 10x7 20-16-107     3.0% 8 1x8 10x7 30-08-107     3.0% 14 1x14 6x10 30-14-610     3.0% 16 2x8 10x7 30-16-107     4.0% 8 1x8 10x7 40-08-107     4.0% 14 1x14 6x10 40-14-610     4.0% 16 2x8 10x7 40-16-107     Buffers and Loading Dye

Catalog No. Product Unit Size Concentration BTA-10M1 10xTAE Buffer 1000ml 10 BTA-50M1 50xTAE Buffer 1000ml 50 BTB-10M1 10xTBE Buffer 1000ml 10 BTE-05M1 5xTBE Buffer 1000ml 5 RDNA-6M1 Red/Orange DNA Loading Dye; Red, Green Tracks 1ml 6x RDNA-6M5 Red/Orange DNA Loading Dye; Red, Green Tracks 5ml 6x To Order: Contact Us.